Sunday, October 20, 2024


 John 4:46-54

He came therefore again to Cana of Galilee where He had made the water wine. And there was a certain royal official, whose son was sick at Capernaum.  When he heard that Jesus had come out of Judea into Galilee, he went to Him, and was requesting Him to come down and heal his son; for he was at the point of death.  Jesus therefore said to him, "Unless you see signs and wonders, you simply will not believe."  The royal official said to Him, "Sir, come down before my child dies."

Jesus said to him, "Go your way; your son lives."  The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him, and he started off.  And as he was now going down, his slaves met him, saying that his son was living.   So he inquired of them the hour when he began to get better.  They said therefore to him, "Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him.'  So the father knew that it was at that hour in which Jesus said to him, "Your son lives"; and he himself believed, and his whole household.

This is again a second sign that Jesus performed, when He had come out of Judea into Galilee.

Sermon for 21st Sunday After Trinity                            10/20/24


My Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

There is believing -- and then there is believing.  I can say that because the official, whose son was healed in our Gospel lesson, discovered several different ways of believing.  The Bible itself speaks of believing in a number of different ways, and not all of them are viewed as saving faith in Scriptures.  This morning I would like to take the opportunity of the text to look at what the Bible says about believing.  So, that is our theme: Believing.

In our Gospel this morning, an official comes down to Cana from Capernaum.  He is called a royal official, which tells us little.  In our Gospel this morning Jesus seems to be critical of the man's need to see a sign in order to have faith.  To be fair, Jesus did not just criticize the royal official.  Jesus' comment seems more to be aimed at the Jews in general, as the "you" in His sentence was plural.

This official's son was sick.  We don't know what illness he may have had, but it was thought to be potentially fatal, and that it was about to end the life of the child.  He had undoubtedly heard things about this Jesus-Rabbi, and so he came to where Jesus was – in desperation.  How do I know this?  Jesus looked into the man and saw that there was no real faith yet.  "Unless you see signs and wonders, You will not believe."  Clearly, the man did not yet believe - although he believed enough to travel for two days to seek out Jesus.  I suppose that is a kind of believing.  He was desperate, "Sir, come down before my child dies."  The man did not say, "Come down or else my son will die," but "Sir, come down before my child dies."  He still seemed to expect the boy to die, down deep in his heart.

Then Jesus said, "It's taken care of."  "Go your way, your son lives."  No waving of the arms.  No mysterious chants.  No potions.  No signs and wonders.  Just the Word of God, "Go your way, your son lives."  And John writes that the man believed the word which Jesus spoke to him, and started off.  There is believing.  He heard, and he took Jesus at His word and headed home.  What faith!

On his way home, his servants met him.  Cana is twenty, maybe thirty miles from Capernaum.  Since they did not yet have cars, and even with a horse (if they had one) thirty miles is a long way, it took the man the rest of the day – with an evening resting under the stars or at some inn somewhere – and part of the next day to get home.  Before he made it all of the way, however, he was met by his slaves coming to meet him with the happy news that his son was now better.  He asked at what time the boy began to mend, and they said it was about 1:00 P.M. – the seventh hour (since they started their daily hours at about 6:00 A.M.).  The man recognized that it was just about at that time that Jesus had said that his son was going to live.  Then John writes the most peculiar thing – ". . . and he himself believed, and his whole household."

The man had believed in the first place, but Jesus saw that it was not real faith but more desperation.  Then Jesus promised that his son would live and the man headed home, and John wrote that the man believed.  Now, all of a sudden, having heard that his son is recovering, the man believes.  Apparently, there is believing, and believing, and then there's believing.

What we are seeing is different kinds of faith.  First is the half-believing, half-disbelieving, skeptical but desperate kind of thing that brought the man to travel for two days to get to Jesus.  Next we see a faith that kinda-sorta believes.  He took Jesus at His word, but it still appeared to be a wait-and-see kind of thing.  He had something like what we call an historical faith.  He accepted the proposition that his son was going to get better, but he seems to have been far from convinced.  He got what he could, and went home with hope, and not much else.  How do I know?  Because when he heard that his son had recovered, he had to ask when he started to get better.  Even with the news that his son was well, he couldn't quite believe that Jesus was responsible for it.  He had to double-check.  He had to ask.

Then he really  believed. He discovered that the fever broke at the moment Jesus said that his son would recover.   Now there was no doubt.  He trusted.  Sure, he had what he wanted for the moment, but now he trusted Jesus for far more than just this healing.  Now he understood who Jesus was and what that meant for his life.  

Our experience of coming to faith in Jesus Christ is similar.  The Holy Spirit creates faith in us by the Word of God.  That is instantaneous and complete by God's power, but our experience of it, our consciousness of it often feels much like this man's path.  We start with a need and a wish and not much else – and then we try God.  We believe the Word of God, sort-of, when it tells us of the love of God, and we put God to the test.  We don't really expect God to keep His promises, but we try Him out in situations where we don't have too many other options anyhow.  When God proved Himself to us, then we believe.

Many Christians, so-called, have that historical faith.  That is faith like the Bible says demons have: "You believe that God is one.  You do well.  The demons also believe, and shudder."  These so-called Christians believe that a man named Jesus lived and died, and they accept that He rose from the grave.  They talk about the forgiveness of sins, and accept it in some sort of academic way, but it never reaches into their hearts.  They never learn to trust God.  This is the faith which one professor of mine once called the intellectual assent to propositions of low probability

What is missing from such faith is trust.  God has forgiven you all of your sins.  He paid the cost of your sins by killing His Son of the cross instead if you.  He made Jesus bear your pains and your guilt and your shame.  Jesus died for you, and, as a result, God has forgiven you every sin.  He demonstrated the sufficiency of the death of Jesus for your redemption by raising Jesus from the dead.  Saying that this forgiveness is so is one thing.  Trusting it is another.  There's believing, and then there's believing.

What does it mean to trust in God?  It means more than simply saying that the Word of God is accurate or factually true.  It means living in confidence about God and in God.  It means answering your fears with God's promises and with the knowledge that God loves you.  It means doing what you know to be right even if it doesn't seem safe or practical or popular.  It means that you force yourself to stop listening to the devil accuse you about anything and you start giving thanks instead for the forgiveness of your sins.  It means that you calculate the forgiveness of sins by its cost – the very life blood of the Son of God, and that you measure the seriousness of sin by that cost.  Doing that would mean that you judge your willingness to sin, or to be unconcerned about sin, by the cost of your salvation, not by the comfort of the next moment or by the pleasure offered by the next temptation.  It is all part of believing.

Do you trust God?  Then you forgive, as He has told you He would have you do.  Then you set your priorities as you know God would have you set them, and not as they appeal to you, necessarily.  Then you put first things – God's things – first.  Do you trust God enough to risk looking  unusually religious?  Do you trust God enough to find contentment in His will and His love for you, no matter how painful or troubling you may find life to be?

Do you trust God?  The official came to pray to Jesus, but he clearly was prepared to go home without what he asked for.  He didn't necessarily expect that Jesus could heal his son, or that Jesus would, so when he prayed to Jesus, he was doing what I call and "just in case" prayer.  You know, just in case God is listening, and just in case He is interested, and just in case He wants to help, I will pray.  Do you pray like that, or do you pray with confidence that God will answer?  

Someone once told me the story about a time during a drought when they were younger and they had gone out to pray for rain in a field with the pastor and the entire congregation – and only two members of the congregation brought umbrellas.  The rest apparently did not expect God to answer – and they got soaked.

Do you pray like those wet ones, or do you pray expecting God is going to take care of things?  I know God does not always give us what we want, but if we ask for His will to be done, then we ALWAYS get what we pray for!  That's believing.

That is how faith built on trust responds to life.  Look at the Supper on the Altar this morning.  What is it?  Does your hunger for it reflect a casual human sense that this is a fine ritual of the church, or does it reflect the faith that here is forgiveness, and that Christ is coming to you personally to transform you and give you eternal life?  Do you count it as precious and hunger to receive it as often as you may, or does receiving this Supper just now and then seems sufficient?

You see what I mean?  There's believing, and then there's believing.  Simply acknowledging the truth is not the same as trusting in God.  

Now, does God demand that every Christian be a radical Christian?  YES.

"Radical" means "to the root".  We are to be rooted in Christ and hoping in Christ, and not in this world.  We are to lean on God and trust in Him and not trust our own wisdom, or strength or understanding.  If we do, we will live that faith out, not by being something weird, but by doing everything in the light of that faith, guiding our actions and our words and our attitudes by our trust in God and hope in forgiveness and expectation that we will rise from the grave to live forever.  That's believing.

The man in the Gospel saw Jesus in action, and understood that He was God — and that He cared for him and his family.  He trusted from that moment on that Jesus could and would take care of him, his family, and his needs.  Undoubtedly, he learned the Gospel after the death and resurrection of Jesus, and grew further in his trust in God.  

You, too, can let every pain, every crisis, every need rest in the hands of Jesus.  You can trust Him to love you, keep you, and save you, and raise you from the dead to everlasting life at the last.  This faith is more than just believing that it is true, it is believing that it is for you, and that God counts you precious to Himself and watches over you, and will bring you through all things safely.  

You see, that is believing.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

(Let the people say Amen)

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Called - and Chosen

 Matthew 22:1-14

And Jesus answered and spoke to them again in parables, saying, "The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king, who gave a wedding feast for his son. And he sent out his slaves to call those who had been invited to the wedding feast, and they were unwilling to come.

"Again he sent out other slaves saying, Tell those who have been invited, "Behold, I have prepared my dinner; my oxen and my fattened livestock are all butchered and everything is ready; come to the wedding feast."' But they paid no attention and went their way, one to his own farm, another to his business, and the rest seized his slaves and mistreated them and killed them. But the king was enraged and sent his armies, and destroyed those murderers, and set their city on fire.

"Then he said to his slaves, The wedding is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy. Go therefore to the main highways, and as many as you find there, invite to the wedding feast.' And those slaves went out into the streets, and gathered together all they found, both evil and good; and the wedding hall was filled with dinner guests.

"But when the king came in to look over the dinner guests, he saw there a man not dressed in wedding clothes, and he said to him, Friend, how did you come in here without wedding clothes?' And he was speechless. Then the king said to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and cast him into the outer darkness; in that place there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'

"For many are called, but few are chosen."

Sermon for Twentieth Sunday After Trinity 10/13/24

Called  -- and Chosen

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

Many are called, but few are chosen. What a difficult and spooky saying. We like to think that if we hear the call of God and join His people, we are "the chosen ones". This passage seems to put that in doubt. We feel called, yet this passage seems to suggest that we may be among "The Called" without being among "The Chosen". Look at the man in the Gospel lesson this morning. He was invited, he came, and then he was thrown out. More than thrown out, he was condemned! He wasn't one of those who stoned the prophets. He didn't rebel. He just wore the wrong outfit, and, whammo!, he is cast out into that outer darkness. What could this mean to us? Let us take a look. Our theme is "Called and Chosen."

The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king, who gave a wedding feast for his son. This is a parable. We have to assume that every detail is not significant, but we can align some of the images Jesus uses in this parable to what the Old Testament used, and see what Jesus was saying. The King, for example, represents God, the first King of Israel, and the only true King. Until the people rejected God and demanded Saul, God was King, it is called "a theocracy."

The Son is the Son of God. Pretty easy stuff, so far. The wedding feast is the fulfillment of the Kingdom and the outpouring of salvation which we see as the Church. We speak about heaven as the wedding feast of the Lamb with His bride, the Church even today. God was all set to fulfill the Messianic promises, and to send His Son and to work our salvation, and when He sent out word through His slaves, the Prophets, to the people of Israel, those who, according to the story Jesus was telling, had been invited but were unwilling to come. They ignored the summons of the Prophets. They ignored the call to repent. They were all so busy with their lives and the blessings that God had poured out on them that they had no time for - and no REAL interest in - the God who had blessed them and made them a people. Too many choices, too much wealth, too much to do to pay much mind to God.

Was the King to be deterred? No. He sent even more slaves. Still, the people would not listen. Their farms, their businesses, their pleasures, and their families were just more important. They found the crying of the prophets growing more irritating by the day until they could bear it no longer and they began to punish and finally to kill the messengers. "How dare they tell me I am sinful?!" "How dare they tell me that my priorities are out of place?!" "How dare they preach repentance to me?!" "But they paid no attention and went their way, one to his own farm, another to his business, and the rest seized his slaves and mistreated them and killed them."

Many are called, but few are chosen. It is interesting to note that the Jewish presence in the Christian Church died out about one hundred years into the life of the Church after the death of Christ. The whole nation had been called, and so few ever believed and received eternal life. The destruction of which this story speaks was Jesus' prophecy of the destruction of Jerusalem and the destruction of the independent kingdom of the Jews which happened in 70 A.D. "But the king was enraged and sent his armies, and destroyed those murderers, and set their city on fire."

"Then he said to his slaves, 'The wedding is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy. Go therefore to the main highways, and as many as you find there, invite to the wedding feast.' And those slaves went out into the streets, and gathered together all they found, both evil and good; and the wedding hall was filled with dinner guests." Ahh! Here we are. These three verses cover the whole of the next two thousand years of history. This is the Christian Church. God has sent out His servants to invite everyone we can find to the wedding feast. That means the preaching of the Gospel. Anyone and everyone who would accept the invitation and come to the feast is welcome. But keep in mind how many - who call themselves Christians today - believe something other than the Gospel we proclaim, the Gospel that the Scriptures teach.

Remember the call that went out in the parable? It is the same call today. "Again he sent out other slaves saying, 'Tell those who have been invited, "Behold, I have prepared my dinner; my oxen and my fattened livestock are all butchered and everything is ready; come to the wedding feast."' The dinner is prepared.

Jesus has taken our sins to the cross, paid for them, and met the justice of God in our place with His death on the cross. Our sins have been forgiven, and God is pouring out eternal life to all who hear the invitation to the feast of salvation, the wedding feast of the Lamb to His bride, the Church. All is ready, or as Jesus put it from the cross, "It is Finished!" The cry of the prophet is the same message as the proclamation of the pastor, "Repent and believe."

Now this second part of the parable takes us forward to the final day, what many call Judgement Day. The King comes in to look over the guests. The guests are all of those who have come into the church but not the Holy Church as the assembly of all those who believe, and only those who believe. This wedding hall is the church as we see her on earth, with believers and hypocrites mingled together. Some are truly Christ's, and then there are all those who are represented by that one man without the wedding garment.

In ancient times, I am told, the kings provided the wedding garment to everyone who came to the wedding. These garments were festival clothes, sometimes brightly colored, always brand-new. One of the benefits of being invited to such a wedding was that you got a new outfit. This was in a world where people generally wore their entire wardrobe every day. New clothes were almost better than money and often served in the place of money, for those who could afford to give it.

God has clothed each one of us who believes with the wedding garment of holiness, the robe of Christ's righteousness which is ours in the forgiveness of sins. In other words, you are both called - and chosen. To keep this image clear, remember Adam and Eve in the Garden. When they sinned, They realized they were naked. Sin is nakedness, and God's forgiveness, and the gift of righteousness which is ours in Jesus Christ, is true clothing. The wedding garment, then, is the forgiveness of sins, salvation, and the righteousness which is the gift of grace to all who take God at His Word and trust Him in other words, to those who believe. That is what tells me that this man was the hypocrite among us. He was in the wedding hall and among the wedding guests, but he was not wearing the wedding clothes. This is not just any unbeliever. They did not enter the wedding hall in the first place. They are already outside in the darkness throughout the story.

The question was simple. "Friend, how did you come in here without wedding clothes?" If you are in the church, you are expected to be wearing the righteousness of Christ. Can some into the church and not wear the garment? Sadly, yes. They are in the vicinity of the true Church and look to be part of the true Church, but they are not, they are merely part of the visible church - the local congregation. Some belong to churches that claim to be Christian, but teach dependence on one's own works - or on one's own preparation for salvation - or on one's own decision and prayer for salvation. They think they have heard and accepted the invitation to the banquet, but they came in without the garment of the grace of God in the Gospel because they never really heard it - but they thought they were just as Christian as anyone else - more Christian, even.

On the other hand, how can anyone who hears the Gospel regularly not wear the wedding garment? Answer: They do not believe. One group of this sort does not believe that they are all that bad, you know, sinners. So they do not really ever repent, and therefore they never have forgiveness as their own, because they don't see any point in it. The Gospel has no value to them, and they don't bother actually believing. There are people like that in the church. They think everyone else is just like them. They come for the music, or how it makes them feel to come to church, or they come for the social interaction. They never understand that they are different except for being not like those religious fanatics who make them feel uncomfortable with all their God-talk and exaggerated (to them) piety and stuff.

Others don't wear the garment because they don't trust God. They want to earn it all for themselves. They don't understand this forgiveness stuff after all, they know that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Some of these people believe some of our doctrines, but they know that they can't accept all of that nonsense that the pastor preaches. They say, He has his opinions and they have theirs. It is a matter of interpretation, right!? They like the crowd, they feel comfortable in the congregation, and, so what if they don't believe all of that stuff the pastor preaches? They look around themselves and see that it is obvious many others in the Missouri Synod don't believe it either. They tell everyone they meet that they are just as good a Christian as any of them, and they pretend that they belong as much as the next man, and that they are hypocrites.

Yet another bunch just can't stop living their way long enough for the Gospel. They have their riches. They have their pleasures. They have their sins. Surely God isn't going to hold them accountable for that. They don't repent because they don't need to. They have a "right" to their sins, to their unfaithfulness, to their lukewarmness to the Gospel. They don't need to be in church every Sunday. They don't need to go to Bible Study to get into heaven. They give God that one hour out of the 168 each week that He gives them, and they are sure that they have done what they need to do. They never look back. They never examine themselves. They never give God another thought as they do that Old Testament thing of getting lost in the blessings and forgetting the One who blessed them.

The point is that, however, they make it to the wedding that Last Day they do so without ever really wearing the wedding garment they have been given. They may have even worn it for a while, but it got too hot, too restricting, too old-fashioned, and they took it off and never looked back. When the King enters, He will know the difference. He can see what we cannot. He can see who is wearing the wedding garment and who is not, who is real, and who is just faking it. The result, the outer darkness where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, is hell. It is eternal misery and torment, augmented by the knowledge that they are cast out into it because they did not take care to wear the garments of salvation that Christ has won and God has freely given to everyone to wear. And notice that there is no excuse for not wearing the wedding clothes. He was in the hall, he clearly had been given the garment. Not wearing the gift is a deliberate act of rebellion, just as unbelief in the church today is never an "OOOPs, I didn't realize" but always a cold-hearted and wicked rejection of God, of His grace, of His love. Jesus said, And he was speechless.

Many are called, but only those few who place their hope and their confidence in Jesus and what He has done will enter the wedding feast of eternal life in glory with Christ. Those who trust in Him are also called "the Chosen". The number of the saved will not be small, it will just be few in comparison to those to whom the invitation has been given, that is, every single person on earth. The hypocrites will be separated from the people of God by the only person who can always see the difference, the person of the Son of God, who sees into your heart and knows what you believe and who you trust.

The feast is ready. You are all sitting in the banquet hall. We have the foretaste of the feast here at the altar. Today we invite you once again. Everyone who enters this church and hears the Word of salvation is invited - called. Each of you has been presented the wedding garment, for as many of you as have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ. You are Called, and chosen! Take care to wear the garment of salvation. Let the good news of the gift of forgiveness and of the love of God for you guide your thoughts, humble your hearts, and shape your actions. Your sins have been forgiven because of Jesus. Repent and believe. Examine yourselves daily, whether you are in the faith, and cling to Christ in His Word and in the Sacrament. For many are called, all of humanity, in fact, but few are chosen.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

(Let the people say Amen)

Sunday, October 06, 2024

The Look of Faith and of Unbelief

 Matthew 9:1-8

And getting into a boat, He crossed over, and came to His own city.  And behold, they were bringing to Him a paralytic, lying on a bed; and Jesus seeing their faith said to the paralytic, "Take courage, My son, your sins are forgiven."  And behold, some of the scribes said to themselves, "This fellow blasphemes."  

And Jesus knowing their thoughts said, "Why are you thinking evil in your hearts?  For which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, ‘Rise, and walk'?  But in order that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins" – then He said to the paralytic – "Rise, take up your bed, and go home."  And he rose, and went home.  But when the multitudes saw this, they were filled with awe, and glorified God, who had given such authority to men.

Sermon for the Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity                   10/06/24

The Look of Faith and of Unbelief

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

Our Gospel, this morning, is one of my favorite Gospel lessons.  Jesus demonstrates His power to heal, and His authority to forgive sins, and He puts His adversaries in a quandary, and He does it all with such style and simplicity.  It is a marvelous text, and I love to preach it, and I have preached it often.

This morning, I want to focus on one specific element of the account.  These men carry their paralyzed friend to Jesus.  Mark and Luke also tell of this moment, and they tell us the other details - about how crowded it was around Jesus, and how the men climbed to the roof of the house that Jesus was in, and how they tore up the roof tiles and lowered their friend into the room near Jesus.  Matthew did not tell us these details, but they help us understand what the text says, that Jesus saw their faith.  That is our focus this morning, the look of faith - and of unbelief.

It is an exciting account!  Jesus has begun to draw crowds wherever He goes.  He is home in Capernaum, where He made His home during His adult life.  Once people found out, Jesus was swamped.  The crowds around Him were so thick that these friends of the paralytic could not shoulder their way into the presence of Jesus.  So, being creative, and convinced that Jesus could heal their friend, they climbed to the roof of the house and lifted the roofing material out of the way.  It wasn't like one of our roofs, all nailed down and weather-proof, but it took some work - and they had to fix what they tore up later, but the Bible doesn't go into that detail.

Anyhow, they lower their friend into the room.  He was undoubtedly lying on a stretcher-type thing.  It made for easy transport, and it made it easy to lower their friend into the room.  Just a rope at each corner, and they could lower him safely, as though it were an elevator of sorts.  Jesus saw how desperate they were to bring this man to Him, and how hard they worked to do it.  He could look into their hearts, too, and see what drove them to such extremes, but it was clear that they just knew that Jesus could heal their friend, so they came on.

Jesus' response tells us that He saw that they believed that He was the Messiah, the Savior promised for so long.  I can tell that by Jesus first words, "Take courage, My son, your sins are forgiven."  Why would Jesus speak these words of comfort and encouragement, except that He saw that they would be met with faith?

His bold pronouncement was met with immediate anger by the Scribes.  They didn't say anything out loud, but they were thinking, perhaps even muttering to themselves, that Jesus was blaspheming.  They judged Him so, because it was a fundamental article of their faith that only God could forgive sins.  By saying, "Your sins are forgiven", Jesus was declaring that He was God, or equal to God, which to the Jews of Jesus' time was the same thing.

Jesus could see that, too.  The text says "Knowing their thoughts" Jesus said, "Which is easier, to say ‘Your sins are forgiven,' or to say ‘Rise, and walk'?"  The difficult part of the question was that only God can do either thing.  Of course, it would be easier to say, "Your sins are forgiven".  No one could see if it was true.  That was the basis of the charge of blasphemy.  Who could tell?

On the other hand, "Rise, and walk" required that the paralytic be healed, made whole, and be able to get up and walk away.  I would guess that this paralyzed man was known in the community, perhaps well-known.  They knew that he could not simply get up and walk.  So, the answer was obvious, but no one could have spoken the answer out loud without also being charged with blasphemy!  But Jesus doesn't wait for any answer.  He never tempts people to think or speak evil.  He made His point with the question, and then He proved His authority.  He said to the Scribes, "‘But in order that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins' – then He said to the paralytic – ‘Rise, take up your bed, and go home.'   And he rose, and went home."

Jesus has the authority to forgive sins, just as He has the authority to heal.  That is where the authority of the absolution you heard this morning comes from.  Jesus has the authority to forgive sins, and He has given it to the Church, and commanded us to do so, in His name.  That is why your hear me say, "I, by virtue of my office, as a called and ordained servant of the Word, announce the grace of God to you, and in the stead and by the command of my Lord Jesus Christ, I forgive you all your sins."  It is the command of Jesus, who has the authority to forgive!  Your sins are forgiven, when I speak His absolution on your confession, just as surely and as truly as that paralyzed man got up and walked home, healed and whole!

What I wanted to take note of was that Jesus could see the faith of those men.  He could see it in their actions.  He could see that they believed that He had the power to heal, and He could see that they believed that Jesus was the sort of God who was willing to heal.  That they thought He was God showed in the fact that they asked Him to do what only God could do!  Their faith - even specific things that they believed about Jesus - was clearly visible in their actions.

The unbelief of the scribes was not so readily visible.  Jesus could see it, but many others might not have.  They were simply accepted as good and faithful church members.  They were leaders.  Some may have had their doubts about them, but there was no outward sign.  Evil doesn't always leave an outward sign.  It shows ultimately, but it can lie in wait for a time, and simply fester in the hearts and thoughts of evil men.  But it is evil.

The evil was simply unbelief.  They doubted that Jesus had the authority to do what He was doing.  They dismissed the power of the Word He spoke.  They accused Jesus of a terrible sin – and all of that falsely, because they could simply not accept Jesus for who He was, for who they knew Him to be, nor believe the truth that He spoke.

It is the same today.  Faith cannot help but work, doing things that reveal the specific things that the believers believe.  Do you believe that your sins are forgiven?  That faith will show in how you handle guilt, and how you deal with your sins when you come to see your behavior as sinful.  You don't hide it or deny it, not even to yourself.  You confess it, and repent, and believe the gracious words of forgiveness which Jesus speaks to you.  

Do you believe that the will of God toward you is good?  Then the hard parts of life are not so spooky and confusing.  Yes, pain is still pain.  When it is your loved one that dies, it is still a tremendous sorrow.  But You know that God is working all things for good for those who love Him, for those whom He has called according to His own purposes - and those purposes are good.  They are life and salvation!  So, when sickness raises its head, you know that God is still with you and will hold you by the hand and sustain you.  It doesn't make the illness less, it simply means that it doesn't rob you of the comfort of knowing that everything will be all right, in God's good time and way.

Do you believe that God has the power to heal, repair, and put things right?  Can God guide the course of your life?  If you believe that, and you trust that His will toward you is good, then prayer is one action that shows your faith.  Faithfulness is another - because you know that what your situation looks like and what it is may be two different things!  God can make anything possible, and turn every situation into blessings.  He doesn't call on us to win every battle, or to feel good at the end.  That is how fairy-tales work.  This is real life, lived in the presence of God, who loves you enough to send His Son to die a gruesome death in your place , and who pays such close attention to you that He knows the number of hairs on your head at any given moment!

Faith shows.

And so does unbelief.  It looks timid in the face of challenges.  It may roar with a false bravado, but it cannot face the guilt of sin, so it pretends that good is evil and evil is good.  Unbelief cannot trust God to fix things, so it has to fix them, often by denying God and doing what is wrong, rather that counting on God to make it work out all right.  Unbelief does not expect God to have a good will toward itself, and so it rails against God and grumbles about blessings and difficulties alike.  It expects no good thing, and so it gets angry, just like the Scribes in our Gospel.  Unbelief expects no healing from God, and so it falls victim to despair.

And every one of us stumbles at one time or another into the behavior of unbelief.  We do not believe as we should, and our flesh works to overthrow the Spirit that God has given us.  When we discover that we have been less faithful and less believing that we know we can be, it is no good to pretend that it is not so.  We need to confess our weakness and our sin, and ask God to create that "clean heart" that we sing about so often in our services.  We need to humble ourselves, and acknowledge our sins, and ask for forgiveness.

"And when we confess our sins, God is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."  It is that simple, and it is that hard.  Have you sinned?  Then repent, and hear the word of forgiveness - Your sins are forgiven!  Those are the same words Jesus spoke to comfort the man who lay paralyzed before Him.  Your sins are forgiven.  But don't stop with my words, come and stand before the altar, and ask God to give you His assurance.  He will, you know.  He will feed you with the very body He nailed to the cross in your place so long ago.  He will give you the blood that He shed for your sins, to drink.  He will fill you up with Himself, and cleanse you of your sins.  And when you eat His body and drink His blood you can have no illusion that maybe it was meant for the man or woman next to you, and that God did not intend to be gracious and forgiving to you.  He places His body in your mouth, and His pours His blood through your lips for you, so that you may know with utter certainty, and you may be confident that Jesus love you!  Your sins are forgiven.

Then you may arise and go home, just like the man in the Gospel lesson.  You can walk, and walk in the way of faith, comforted by forgiveness, and living out your trust in God.  That is the look of faith.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

(Let the people say Amen)

Sunday, September 29, 2024

God Means What He Says.

 Matthew 22:34-40

When the Pharisees heard that He had put the Sadducees to silence, they gathered themselves together. And one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?" And He said to him, "YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.' This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.' On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets."

Sermon for Eighteenth Sunday After Trinity 09/29/24

God Means What He Says

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

This morning I intend to preach only half of the Gospel lesson. It is not that the whole Gospel and all of the words are not important - it is just that I want to focus on the answer Jesus gave about the greatest commandment in the Law. For a change, I don't want to talk about the context of the lesson or what else may have been happening in the Gospel - just the words. These words of Jesus mean the same thing no matter what other context you apply. They answer the question more completely than the questioner probably intended. The message I want you to take away with you this morning is the title of my sermon, "God Means What He Says."

Of course, God means what He says. Why else would He say it?

But if He means what He says, why do so many people act as though He has not spoken - or say that they know what He has said, and then act as though He did not really mean what He said? When Jesus gave this answer, it was uncontroversial, according to scholars. It was the answer anyone would give to this question. When Jesus faced this question in Luke 10, He challenged the Lawyer who asked it to answer it for himself, and the answer the lawyer gave was the same. The Jews have known it since before the time of Christ. Christians have known this answer ever since the time of Christ, yet none of us seems to live according to the answer Jesus gave.

All that the Law, the revealed will of God, commands, desires, and encourages is love. God commands that we love Him with all that we are and have and love our neighbors in the same way we love ourselves. We don't see a lot of that, of either sort of love - love for God or love for our neighbors - that measures up to the command of God. We don't see it in society and we don't see a lot of it in the church, do we?

The first thing the Law commands is that we love God. God isn't talking about some simple emotional thing. He isn't saying that you should feel all warm and squishy about Him. That is where the current crop of Christian music seems to get it wrong. They talk about feelings. I am so uplifted by God, and my heart soars, and I feel so wonderful because my God I so great and warm and good to me!

God says you should love Him with all of your heart, and all of your soul, and all of your mind. He doesn't mean love - as in a feeling you get. He means love - as in how you think and speak and behave. When you love God with all your heart, your love for God controls and gives form to the emotions and passions of your life not that you have an emotion about Him, but that all of your emotions are shaped by Him and His value and presence in your life. It is a love that includes emotion, but which also transcends them and shapes their power in your life.

You are to love God with your entire soul as well. The soul, in Biblical imagery, is the seat of the will. You are to use your will in connection with - and guided by - love for God. Everything you want, and all of your plans and intentions are to be shaped by love for the Lord and, therefore, by His will. For the child of God, the lusts of the flesh are to take a back seat to God and His will. The desires for comfort and beauty and such are secondary to love for God. Personal goals and plans are made in the presence of one's commitment to the true God and in the light of what is God-pleasing and God-serving.

Finally, you are to love the Lord your God with all your mind. Every thought is to be taken captive to your love for God. What you know, and what you choose to know, is subject to God and loving Him and serving Him. We often waste our time and our brains on things that have no relationship to God - baseball statistics, football standings, the words to our favorite country music songs. Those things are not evil - and you can do and know them as a faithful Christian.

  It is just that loving God with all your mind means that everything you take the time to know is part of your love for God, somehow - and that you use your mind in service to your love for your Lord by learning and knowing the things most clearly and closely connected to Him.

Think about it. We experience puppy love pretty much the same way. When a young person, for example, has a crush on someone, they teach themselves what the one they love likes and they try to share those emotions - like the same things. They plan their lives around the other, changing their desires to coincide with their beloved's so that they have more in common and more to share. They will often learn things just to please their new love, and to experience who they are more completely. Oftentimes, for teenagers, they discover quickly that the desires, interests, and knowledge of the other do not fulfill them, and they grow tired of the infatuation, and "fall in love" with someone else. Sometimes they don't fall out of love but grow into a deeper love - something most husbands and wives do quite deliberately. They learn to like and to share the will and thoughts of the one they love, and find that sharing pleasing.

That is how love for God works within us. You love God with the use of your emotions, rather than just as an emotion. You love Him with your desires and will by shaping it around Him and His will. And you place your mind in the service of knowing Him and that which enables you to live in Him and for Him more fully - and so know Him better and love Him even more. Of course, the Law commands that you do this perfectly - with ALL your heart, and with ALL your soul, and with ALL your mind.

Who among us does it perfectly? Instead, we love the fun, the comfortable, and the pleasant. We enjoy the titillating and the salacious. The dirty story tickles us. Comfort of the moment and temporary happiness pleases us. We love them even when they have no connection to our love for God - and often even when it is clearly contrary to our love for God.

We all want the good life - whether that is the best thing for us or for the mission which our Lord has given us. We desire for ourselves - when God commands us to think about the other guy first. We will to our own advantage, even when the better thing is to ignore our advantage and take care of the other guy. It is just simple human nature - and we are, by nature, sinners.

We often fill our minds with thoughts and images which are not holy, but profane. We use our minds to think about how to take advantage of the other guy or to rationalize our values and behaviors which are not consistent with our professed love for God. We use our minds to explain away the commands of God and our failures to be the sort of people we know that God would have us be. Rather than loving God with our whole mind, we use our minds to justify our sins and our ignoring what we know is the will of God.

But God means what He says. He not only expects us to love Him with every fiber of our being, but He commands us to love our neighbors in the same way as we love ourselves. If we want to be comfortable, we are to see to the comfort of our neighbor. If we want to be respected in the community, we are to respect our neighbors - each and all of them. If we love ourselves by feeding ourselves, we are to see to it that our neighbors have food to eat - good food. If we expect people to take the time to listen to us and understand how we think and how we feel - then we are to love our neighbors in the same way, with our time, our attention, and our understanding.

This is the conduct and life of the child of God. This is not optional, as though you could choose to do it or ignore it, nor are we allowed by God to decide it is too hard for us, and quit. Forgiveness does not alter the validity of this command. These two commandments are the sum and substance of the will of God contained in all of Scripture. God wants - and commands - and expects every Christian to do these things. God means what He says.

But who is equal to all of this? Who does it perfectly? No one.

Well, that is not precisely true. But only One has. Only Jesus has loved God with this perfect love - and His neighbor in the same way as He loved Himself. He loved God with His affections by making God's love for us His own. He placed us higher on His table of values than Himself. What does it say in Philippians? Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

And He loved God enough to go all the way to the cross and the grave according to the plan of the heavenly Father.

He loved God so completely that God's will became His own - and even in the depths of terror - "My soul is deeply grieved to the point of death" - His Father's plan and His Father's will were His own, and He prayed, "Not My will, but Thine be done."

Jesus knew where He was going and what was going to happen, and He knew what He must do - even to the point of crying out in thirst when He had no intention of drinking, but only that every word of Scripture might be fulfilled. He knew everything He needed to know - and chose not to know the things that He did not need to know, things that we not for Him to know - so He could honestly tell His disciples that no man knows the day or the hour, not an angel in heaven, not even the Son, but only the Father knows the hour of the end of the world. He loved God with all His mind.

And He loved us, His neighbors, in the same way, and just as much as He loved Himself. A greater love has no man than this, that He lay down His life for His friends. He loved us to the cross, and into the grave, that we might be redeemed and our sins forgiven. Because of Jesus, your sins, whatever they may be, have been forgiven, and you are given the gift of resurrection from the grave and everlasting life in glory with Him. Death and illness no longer have a claim on you. You will not die but live.

And we have His promise that in this world He is with you to keep you and guide you and that all things will work together - by His deliberate direction - for good for you and for all those who love God - those who are called according to His purpose.

The perfect love for God and man has existed and does exist in Jesus Christ our Savior. It is poured out on you. Your sins and lack of love have been completely forgiven.

Now, go and sin no more! God means what He says. Forgiveness does not wipe out the will of God or invalidate it. God still wants you to love Him with that love that commands every fiber of your being - your heart, your soul, and your mind. And He still commands us to love our neighbors - the people around us - as we love ourselves. It is time to re-examine our lives, our priorities, our thoughts, and our desires - and shape them according to our love for God. No excuses. Jesus has fulfilled the law of God in your place - and your sins are forgiven - but they are forgiven to redeem you into the glory of God and holiness of life - not to excuse deliberate and ongoing sin or exempt you from His will.

After all, what is the will of God for us? <Our salvation.> And who would want to be exempted from that? Remember, God means what He says. Love God, and love one another! And give thanks!

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

(Let the people say Amen)

Sunday, September 22, 2024


 Luke 14:1-11

And it came about when He went into the house of one of the leaders of the Pharisees on the Sabbath to eat bread, that they were watching Him closely.  And there, in front of Him was a certain man suffering from dropsy.  And Jesus answered and spoke to the lawyers and Pharisees, saying, "Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath, or not?"  But they kept silent. And He took hold of him, and healed him, and sent him away.

And He said to them, "Which one of you shall have a son or an ox fall into a well, and will not immediately pull him out on a Sabbath day?"  And they could make no reply to this.

And He began speaking a parable to the invited guests when He noticed how they had been picking out the places of honor at the table; saying to them, "When you are invited by someone to a wedding feast, do not take the place of honor, lest someone more distinguished than you may have been invited by him, and he who invited you both shall come and say to you, ‘Give place to this man,' and then in disgrace you proceed to occupy the last place.  But when you are invited, go and recline at the last place, so that when the one who has invited you comes, he may say to you, ‘Friend, move up higher'; then you will have honor in the sight of all who are at the table with you.  For everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled, and he who humbles himself shall be exalted."

Sermon for The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity                       09/22/24


My Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

It had to be a difficult way to live.  Jesus probably experienced the reality of modern celebrities way back then.  People were watching Him, looking for an opportunity to do Him in.  They were not merely content to wait, they were baiting the trap, setting up situations where Jesus would do something they thought they could use against Him.  They would quiz Him, hoping for a sound-byte that would serve them.  In our Gospel, they set a man in front of Him who was sick and just waited for Jesus to do something they could use against Him.  Our theme is "Humility".

Not that the adversaries of Jesus had any.  They apparently had no shame either.  He is invited out to dinner at the home of one of the leaders of the Pharisees, and they set a seriously ill man in front of Him.  They knew that Jesus had this proclivity to heal, and I suspect that they wanted to use the Sabbath as a weapon against Jesus, if He should heal the man.

Jesus took the question directly to them.  He asked them, speaking directly to the head Pharisee and the Bible Experts who stood around him.  He said, "Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath, or not?"   They could not answer – or they chose not to, and since they could not condemn that action in principle, they lost the ability to use it against Jesus in this situation.  So, Jesus healed the man.  Score one for Jesus.

But He didn't just leave it there.  They had put Him to the test, and He returned the favor.  He pointed out that what He had done was just common decency and concern, something that every one of them would likely have done, if the situation were just a bit different.  And He said to them, "Which one of you shall have a son or an ox fall into a well, and will not immediately pull him out on a Sabbath day?"  And they could make no reply to this.  He pointed out that even if it were an animal, they would have rescued it.  There was no shame, no violation of the Law of God in rescuing one of their fellow-men from evil, even on the Sabbath.  Their silence speaks clearly.  Jesus was right, and even their test was wrongly conceived.

Their problem was their pride.  The word you probably hear used in such circumstances is "Hubris", although it is usually pronounced "Hyoobris."  They were the leaders, or so they thought.  They were the clever ones and they were to be respected and feared!  Their pride showed itself in the way they went about seeking the best places at the dinner.  The Greek doesn't actually say "at the table," probably because they did not use what we would call a table.  That is why the words were in italics in the text - which will all see when you rush home and read the text so you can review the sermon in your mind and not lose the thought of today's sermon too quickly.

They lay around the "table" on pillows.  The "important people" would have certain places where they would lie, and everyone else sought the good spots, close to the important people, where they would be able to participate in or at least hear the conversation.  Jesus seizes upon the competition for the best spots and uses it as a parable about pride and humility.  The elements of the parable are drawn from the activities around them, but are extreme, to focus on the lesson.

He says to choose the lowest spot - the least desirable place - rather than going for the best spot.  If you choose the best spot, and someone more important than you, in the eyes of the host, arrives, you will be humiliated and forced to slink off to the lowest place, the place everybody avoided, and so it is the only one open.  Jesus says to choose the least desirable spot.  Then the host will see you, and invite you to move up, and you will have honor in the eyes of everyone else.  

Practically, does it work that way?  I don't know.  I suspect sometimes, yes, and sometimes, no.  But this is a parable - and everyone can clearly see the principle here.  Pride can lead to humiliation.  Jesus says, in fact, that before God it always does.  Humility avoids the pitfalls of pride - and can bring the delightful moment of what Jesus calls "exalting" when you are asked to move up.  Again, in the presence of God, humility is always rewarded.

But this is about the Gospel.  Within the Gospel, there is no room for pride.  We don't earn or deserve a thing.  Earthly position and human effort accomplish nothing, and holding them out as our rationale, our hope, or our sense of entitlement is pointless.  Not one of us deserves the invitation to the dinner which is eternal life.  If we don't just naturally belong at the dinner, our place at the dinner is also not ours to choose.  We may think that we are something, or that we deserve something – but we don't.  I think St.  Paul was pointing at this very thought in Philippians 3: "If anyone else has a mind to put confidence in the flesh, I far more:  circumcised the eighth day, of the nation of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; as to the Law, a Pharisee; as to zeal, a persecutor of the church; as to the righteousness which is in the Law, found blameless.  But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ.  More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish in order that I may gain Christ."

It doesn't matter who we are.  It is of no account what we are able to do, or what good things we have done.  Our sense of deserving is wrong, because it always overlooks our sins and measures our worthiness by the wrong standards.  In the Gospel, everything is gift.  Everything is Christ!  He died, not us, even though the sin and the guilt is ours.  He gives us undeserving people His life and His eternity and His love.  If we presume to claim a place, an honor, an importance even here in our little congregation, we claim something that belongs to Jesus, and it is His to bestow as He wishes.

Only true humility can see that and accept that.  True humility is to see yourself in the Law, and know that there is no way you can deserve what you so long for – God's favor, and salvation.  Our hope is not found in self-assertion, or self-promotion.  Our hope is found in humility - that is in repentance.  We have to be humble enough to see ourselves as we truly are and confess our sins and seek God's forgiveness.  Only when we take that lowest place at the dinner, can our Savior invite us to ‘come on up higher' and give us a place at the table of salvation.  Then we truly have honor in the eyes of all, not the honor of someone who thinks he is something, but the honor of being chosen, beloved, truly valued by God Himself, and made a member of the household of God and invited by one no less glorious than Jesus Himself to break bread with Him and eat at His table.

Then, in life, we go where He sends us and do the things He gives us to do.  Who we think we are isn't important.  What we want or what we think we may deserve for whatever reason is irrelevant.  Our very presence at the Supper is the delightful gift of our Lord.  Better the lowest seat in the kingdom of heaven than the highest glory in the kingdom of Hell.  Our salvation is all about Jesus.  He won it, and He gives it.  He forgives you all of your sins, and He calls you by name into His family and makes you are sharer in His glory both now and for eternity!

So what if life didn't turn out the way you had dreamed?  You have everlasting glory instead.  So what if you are bearing a cross you would rather not bear, a cross which you did not anticipate?  Jesus already bore the cross on your behalf, and He is giving you something important to do - but important in His eyes, not necessarily in your own.  Humility.  It is the state of those who know themselves, both as sinners, and as those who have possession of something that they just have no business having – the grace and favor of God.  But they have it because Jesus has seen them and invited them to move on up, and exalted them in the presence of all humanity.

When Jesus teaches the importance of the attitude of humility, He is not engaged in some abstract speculation on ethics.  In fact, while He was teaching it, He was already living it out.  He humbled Himself to be born human.  He humbled Himself to live among sinful men.  He humbled Himself to the point of death, even death on a cross.  He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.  And therefore, by His stripes, we are healed!  So, when Jesus is urging humility, He is not just recommending a successful approach to social engagements, He is telling us how we may be like Him, and what it is that shapes the minds and the lives of those who will sit at table with Him at the Wedding Feast of the Lamb of God in glory.

So, your life is the gift of God, both here and now and in eternity.  It is grace and forgiveness and not deserving or self-chosen glory.  But you can only accept that, if you exercise true humility.  So, repent, and believe, and trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding (or preferences) In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.  The name of the game is "humility".

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
(Let the people say Amen)

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Jesus Felt Compassion

 Luke 7:11-17

And it came about soon afterwards, that He went to a city called Na'in; and His disciples were going along with Him, accompanied by a large multitude.  Now as He approached the gate of the city, behold, a dead man was being carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow; and a sizeable crowd from the city was with her.  And when the Lord saw her, He felt compassion for her, and said to her, "Do not weep."  And He came up and touched the coffin; and the bearers came to a halt. And He said, "Young man, I say to you, arise!"  And the dead man sat up, and began to speak. And Jesus gave him back to his mother.  And fear gripped them all, and they began glorifying God, saying, "A great prophet has arisen among us!" and, "God has visited His people!"  And this report concerning Him went out all over Judea, and in all the surrounding district.

Sermon for Sixteenth Sunday After Trinity                                     09/17/24

Jesus Felt Compassion

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

This miracle account is full of drama.  

     Life, in the person of Jesus, confronts death, in the person of the dead son of the widow of Na'in, in a cosmic battle.  

     Jesus, the Rabbi under the unfriendly observation of the Scribes and the Pharisees, disregards the customs and traditions - yes, even the law - and walks up and touches a dead body - or at least the bier upon which it is being borne, thereby defiling Himself and risking scorn and condemnation.  

     Jesus, the miracle worker, speaks to the dead man and commands Him to sit up.  There is drama upon drama in this short Gospel lesson.  

If this were a radio melodrama, this is the point at which the announcer would have said, "Tune in tomorrow for the thrilling conclusion to our story."

But it isn't a radio drama, it is history, an account of Jesus coming upon the procession of grievously sad funeral.  The drama is real.  

     Death confronts life, and life comes out the victor!  

     Jesus touches the funeral bier and instead of being defiled by the touch of death, the whole thing is cleansed by His touch and His Word and life takes possession of the funeral, and joy simply drives away the sorrow.

      Jesus commands the dead to get up, and the young man springs to life, and rises from the bier, and speaks - and Jesus presents Him alive again, to His suddenly frightened and delighted mother.  

     And everyone starts babbling about God and His work among his people and about the healing and resurrection of this one young man.  

And it all happened because Jesus felt compassion for the grieving mother.  And that is our theme, Jesus Felt Compassion.

The story itself is amazing, and you could get lost in the details, and forget the over-arching message.  Here was a woman who had already lost her husband.  Her son was her only support.  Now, suddenly, he is gone as well.  I know that it is suddenly, because they buried their dead on the same day they died, in Israel, unless they died quite late in the day – and then they would be buried on the next morning.  This woman was devastated.  Her only child was dead.  The true depth of her sorrow, and the troubles that it was bringing to her could be measured in the crowd of mourners - "a sizeable crowd was with her", according to Luke.

Now, I am informed that in that culture you were obligated to join the funeral procession, if you were aware of it.  It was an affront to the Creator for anyone to ignore it, and pretend that it did not touch them - because death will finally touch everyone, and death is part of life, and we ought always to recognize and honor life, even - perhaps especially - when it has been extinguished.

Jesus is approaching Na'in from Capernaum with a large crowd following Him.  This miracle was no small, private affair.  It was well witnessed and well-attested to.  When Jesus surveys the scene, he felt compassion.  I am sure that the meeting appeared to be pure chance - and I am certain that God timed all things that this meeting would happen just as it did.  And it happened not just to show us the power of Jesus, or that He could do it, but to show us the compassion of Jesus.

He could have ignored it - or joined in with the crowd to wail and mourn at the visitation of death and all the attendant sorrows and troubles it brings.  After all, death was nothing unusual even back then.  In fact, death was more common, and less postpone-able then than it is now.  And when somebody died, they were taken home and cleaned up and wrapped up and buried that same day - there was no mortuary and no dressing the body up and putting on make-up so that the dead appeared merely to be sleeping.  But Jesus did not ignore it, this time.  He did not play along.  Perhaps it reminded Him of His coming death, and His mother's approaching sorrow.  Whatever the cause at the moment, Jesus felt compassion.

So He healed the man, that is, He raised him from death and caused him to be alive again, and gave him back to his mother, to the joy and wonder and fear of everyone there.  Life conquered death.  Jesus spoke to the dead man as if he were merely asleep, and the man heard Him and awakened from death itself.  Of course, he had to die again, one day, but that is another story for another day, and it is one that the Bible does not take time to tell us.  What is striking - aside from raising the dead, of course, is the compassion of Jesus.   Although it happened - this raising the dead thing happened only occasionally in the ministry of Jesus, He has that same compassion towards us all.

"He died for all", the Bible tells us, and "God so loved the world" - not just certain persons in it - "that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."  That was and is His compassion.  He saw our need in sin and He healed us, raising us from the dead, so to speak, since we would have died eternal death in hell without Him.  But, through His Word, He has called us to life eternal and made us heirs of glory with Him.

Our Gospel lesson this morning doesn't just say Jesus has the power to raise us from the grave - although it does make that point powerfully - it says the Jesus has compassion.  It teaches us about the caring of our Lord - something we often forget to think about because life has rough edges and sharp corners and we have to deal with pain, and tragedy, and terrorism, and hurricanes, and what all.  But God would, by the words of our Gospel lesson, show us the compassion which moves Him, so that, in the words of our Epistle Lesson today, "so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fulness of God."

The Greek word in our Gospel for "felt compassion" means "moved in his guts" or "felt it in his viscera".   It means that it is not some abstract, academic notion, but the same sort of compassion you feel when you turn on Fox news and watch children wading through the latest flood, or see a pile of ash on the screen and realize that before the riots or the tornadoes or whatever that was someone's home.  Jesus knows how we feel.  He understands the hurts and the fears.  He doesn't fear the way we do, never did, because He was never without hope - and He had the certainty of the good will of God for us, and for Himself.  But He knows - and He understands fear and pain from a very personal standpoint.  He can feel it right along with us - that is what compassion means; to feel along with.

In all of our troubles, He is there.  He knows our pain and He is watching over us.  He takes no pleasure in our pains and suffering - which is why He died for us, to spare us the greatest suffering of all.  Remember, He was under no obligation to stop and care for the pains of this widow woman.  Surely there were thousands of other opportunities to do just the same in the lives of others, where He did not.  But for this one Jesus felt compassion, and He acted to assuage her pain and meet her needs.

We know that we stand in a special relationship with Him, by virtue of our Baptism, and His choosing of us to be His children.  That choice comes with certain troubles connected to it, guaranteed.  But it also comes with His compassion guaranteed.  Those troubles come because the world hates Christ, and we show the world Christ shining through us in His Word and in His worship and in His working through us.  In these troubles, we have the promise of God that He is with us every step of the way to strengthen us and that we shall not have to bear more than we are able to endure.

He also gives us His Word and the fellowship of the saints, and the powerful gift of the Holy Supper to help us and strengthen us and encourage us.  When we partake of the Holy Supper, we receive Christ's true body and blood, and with that forgiveness and strengthening and His presence in us and with us to make us equal to the work which He gives us to do, and the cross which He calls us to carry in His name.

That doesn't mean that pain will not hurt, or that we will not be genuinely challenged by the cross which we must bear.  It would not be a cross if it did not bring pain and hardship.  But Jesus feels compassion.  He will not give us more than we can endure - and everything we must endure is stamped with His purpose.  We may not see the purpose, or the increase that results from our cross and our work.  We are never promised that we will understand it all, or finally see how what we did and what we endured worked out His holy will.  We are only promised that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.  Our work is faithfulness.  What we do and how it accomplishes the will of God is His work.

But in the hour of trouble, or pain, or sorrow, we can find great comfort in knowing that Jesus feels compassion for us just as He felt compassion for that woman in her sorrow and deep need, so long ago.  He acted, miraculously, to help her and comfort her – and He will act on our behalf and for our comfort and blessing as well.  He has acted, in redeeming us, and He continues to act through Word and Sacrament for our comfort and strengthening.  And He will act in our lives and in our needs - by means of our brothers and sisters in the faith, and by means we may not imagine, and many not recognize as His acting until much later.

But be of good cheer.  In every situation, we may trust that our God knows and is working our good and blessing - we can see an example of it in our Gospel, where Jesus felt compassion.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
                                       (Let the people say Amen)

Monday, September 09, 2024

Do Not Be Anxious

 Matthew 6:24-34

"No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.  For this reason I say to you, do not be anxious for your life, as to what you shall eat, or what you shall drink; nor for your body, as to what you shall put on.  Is not life more than food, and the body than clothing?  Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not worth much more than they?  And which of you by being anxious can add a single cubit to his life's span?

"And why are you anxious about clothing?  Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory did not clothe himself like one of these.  But if God so arrays the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more do so for you, O men of little faith?  Do not be anxious then, saying, ‘What shall we eat?' or ‘What shall we drink?' or ‘With what shall we clothe ourselves?'  For all these things the Gentiles eagerly seek; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.  But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you."

"Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Sermon for Fifteenth Sunday After Trinity                                        09/08/24

Do Not Be Anxious

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

There are times when preaching this text is simple and safe.  Life is good, and everyone is happy and telling people not to be anxious or worried about life is a comfortable thing.  For some, this is not one of those times.  This has been a summer of extremes.  The campaign season has raised stress for almost everyone who pays attention to it. Almost weekly we are treated to another account of another mass shooting somewhere in America.  And some of the politicians in our nation are publicly calling for violence and turmoil in an attempt to prevent one of the candidates from becoming our president.

The effects of the ugly nature of our national politics and the renewed "protesting" and rioting over the conflict in the middle east are still waiting to be seen.  Colleges and universities are now centers for violence in favor of those we have known to be terrorists.  Aurora Colorado has been co-opted by Venezuelan gangs, and now there is an apartment complex in Chicago taken over by a Venezuelan gang.  There are now no-go areas for Americans in America!   It is in the face of such conditions as these conditions that the Word of God speaks to us today and tells us, in the words of our Lord, Do Not Be Anxious.

It is a matter of faith.  Our Lord reminds us in our Gospel of the familiar facts that God feeds the birds, and He clothes the fields in beautiful flowers.  Neither one of them labors for what they get.  The flowers of the field simply grow there.  They are, none the less, beautiful.  The birds do not sow or reap or store up grain, and yet God feeds them.  In the same way, we may depend upon God.  He knows what we need, and He will provide.  But to get there, and find comfort in these circumstances will take faith.

Let's face it, there are a lot of birds dead on the highways and roads - and people - in the horrendous shootings that seem to be increasing in our nation.  God knows situations in which we must live, and what we need to survive. It is tempting to look at the problems and the human cost left behind and say, "how does this square with the text?"  "Where is the supply of which Jesus was speaking?"

Of course, Jesus said to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these thing will be added to you.  Let's face it, we are not witnessing a lot of seeking of God or His righteousness in the midst of the widespread violence going on in out nation, and in many places dominated by Islam.  But the lack of godliness isn't the whole answer.  Part of the answer is in the fact that whether we experience every moment as richly supplied and safe or not, we experience it.  And God has preserved us.  We do not have to deal with the immediate conditions in Colorado or Chicago.  We see it, and we can respond to it - and we should respond to it somehow.  But it is not our suffering, not yet, and so God has been true to His promises and provided us with all that we need, even if it is not all that we want.

He has also preserved those who are facing those conditions.  They might have preferred to have ridden the growing storm out in comfort, and have their worldly possessions spared - but, as in the book of Job, when we start judging God based on how we respond to how He is blessing us, we are trying to suggest that we could do a better job of being God than He does.  Of course, that is silly - and blasphemous - on its face. 

Besides, we want to remember what Jesus actually said.  He did not promise that we would always have everything we desire just the way we want it.  He said that God knows where we are and who we are and what it is that we need, and that all of our fretting and worrying cannot make it better.  Jesus asked, "Which of you by being anxious can add a single cubit to his life's span?"  While I am not certain how much 18 inches - a cubit - of life adds to your span of life when measured in years, the point is that our worry doesn't empower us to change the immediate circumstances of our lives any more than the clear frustration and depression of the victims of the Venezuelan Gang activity makes them able to defend their homes or find somewhere safe appear out of nowhere.  Someone has to bring the answer into circumstances like theirs, and when they do, that someone was sent by God - whether they realize it or not.

And of course, some people will likely die because of the insane violence we see in the news from Colorado or in the neighborhoods of Chicago.  If people die, it is because God has appointed that moment for their death - and death would have found them in Minnesota, fishing on a clear and cool lake - if it was their time - just as certainly as it found them struggling amid the new war on our country or that found those young women walking or jogging in their neighborhood in Maryland or Georgia or Texas.  God will take care of each of us while we are here, and summon us out of this world when our time is done.  It is precisely at that moment that the kingdom of God and His righteousness will be come of paramount importance for us.

The promise of our Gospel is that when we have sought the kingdom of God and His righteousness, all these things - the stuff of life - will be added unto us.  Now Jesus knows that we cannot search for God or choose to believe - so He is telling us to pay attention to the most important stuff, and trust God to handle the rest.  As the beloved children of God, can we imagine that God will short us on the necessities?  I would say no - and looking about this morning, I see that all of us have had all that we have needed for life up to today - and many of us have enjoyed a whole lot more than simply what we needed.

We are the chosen of God.  He has set His love upon us.  He has loved us with the greatest love: a greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for His friends.  Jesus laid down His life for us on the cross, to redeem us from sin and death and hell.  Because of Jesus your sins are forgiven, and when your body dies, that is not the end, nor is it the worst moment - but merely the beginning of the better and more lasting life with Christ in glory.  He has promised that you will even get your bodies back, refreshed, renewed, and repaired; better than when you laid it down.  He has taken care of you here, and has planned and executed your rescue and redemption for the hereafter.

While we live in this world, we live as God's favorite people - favored with His love and under His watchful care.  Nothing can happen without God's care for you.  All of your needs will be met, and many of your desires, right up to the time appointed for your home-going.  At that moment, it may appear to the world around you that you lack the needs of the moment.  But the truth is that your greatest need will have been fulfilled: life beyond the grave, a life that has no ending or sorrow, or sickness - only fulness of joy and glory with Jesus Christ.

Between this day and that, you can trust God.  You don't have to worry about what you shall eat or what you shall drink or what you shall put on.  Your heavenly Father knows that you have needs of these things.  Everyone is looking for them.  The ungodly who murder innocent women, The victims of the Venezuelan gangs, all people are searching for the needs of life, for food and water and shelter.  The chosen people of God who endured the violence of things we get to see on the news are searching for them.  God knows – and He will provide.  He says so – and by faith, we may trust Him and depend on Him and not worry.

So, do not be anxious.  Just look around you.  Breathe in and out.  Take note.  You are alive.  You have food enough for the moment.  You have plenty of air to breathe.  The needs of this moment are taken care of, and the reason that they are taken care of is the goodness and kindness of God.

Tomorrow may present new needs, but that is tomorrow.  Jesus says that the troubles of today are enough for today.  We take it one day at a time.  You cannot fix tomorrow until you get there.  One of the appeals in this election cycle is to find someone who can make us safe again.  The Bible tells us to trust not in princes.  You should take your privilege and duty as a citizen seriously, and pay attention, and vote for whomever you think would be able to serve our nation in a God-pleasing way, but know for certain that your hope and your safety and your security is in the hands of God. 

You cannot do tomorrow today, nor can you fix yesterday tomorrow.  You have one day, today, and a loving heavenly Father who will take care of you.  So, do not be anxious.  Live in today's blessings today, and have a little faith in God.  He loves you with a proven love - and He has promised to add all the rest that you need - now that He has clothed you in His righteousness and marked you as one of His chosen and beloved children.

Do Not Be Anxious.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

(Let the people say Amen)