Romans 8:18-23
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us. For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now. And not only this, but also we ourselves, having the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our body.
Sermon for the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany 1/30/22
It's Bigger than You Think
My Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
C.S. Lewis wrote a "space trilogy" because he noted that science fiction was becoming so popular. As he had in his "fable," "The Narnian Tales", he deliberately made his space trilogy theological. Once he had been converted, everything he did was an expression of his faith. His space trilogy was "Out of the Silent Planet" about a trip to Mars, "Perelandra" about a trip to Venus, and "That Hideous Strength" a story about the spiritual battle on Earth, involving the same hero as was in the first two books.
In the first book, the hero encountered intelligent, talking plants and animals of every description. Not every plant or animal was intelligent or could speak, but there were many that could. The intelligent plants were mobile and lived in plant communities, as the animals lived in animal communities. Everyone on Mars - called "Thalcandra" in the book - worshiped God and knew Him. There was no sin on Mars before the arrival of man.
At some point in the story, which I do not recall right now, Ransom, the hero, learns that the talking plants and animals are the last of their kind, in terms of God's creative activity, and God no longer creates intelligence in such forms. Ransom expresses amazement and asks "why?". The answer, from a Hrossa - a walrus-type creature of remarkable intelligence - is that once God had chosen to take on human nature and human form in Jesus Christ, in what other form could one imagine intelligence would be found? Ransom was surprised - and as an avid Science Fiction reader, I was deeply moved. It had never occurred to me that the incarnation of Jesus would have such far-reaching effects.
Of course, that was fiction. Nonetheless, it opened my mind to the thought of just how radical and transforming the substance of the Gospel really is. We tend to think of it as merely forgiveness, and life, and salvation, as though the word "merely" could be applied to things so vitally important and utterly significant and urgently needed. Our text reminds us of the true enormity of what God has done for us. Our theme is "It's Bigger than You Think."
Paul was in a better position to judge the glory that is to be revealed to us than we are. He had been brought to the "third heaven" and seen things that no other man on earth has seen and heard things that it is not even permitted for a man to speak, according to Second Corinthians 12. He would know something of the realities of heaven that you and I can just fantasize about. He tells us that, in his estimation, nothing we can endure in this world is capable of being so bad as to be worth comparing to the good that God intends for us. Now, if this were merely his opinion, we could debate his conclusions, but this is also the inspired Word of God.
Whatever you may have to face, when you get to heaven, you will discover that it is so worth whatever you endured that you might well be willing to come back for seconds – you know, "If I had known that eternal life and glory was going to be this wonderful, I would have gladly endured much more - and worked much harder!" It's bigger than you think!
The whole of creation anxiously longs for the day of the revelation of the sons of God. The way Paul puts it makes it sound like the entire creation is standing on tippy-toe trying to peek over the fence and see which of us are God's people and which of us are not! There is cosmic excitement over the anticipation of the Day of Resurrection when we shall stand revealed, and men will either find praise from God for their steadfastness or be condemned for calling Him a liar and refusing His gift of salvation and grace.
There is a good reason for that, too. All of creation was subjected to futility for our sake. It was because of the sin of mankind that God cursed all things with corruption. Could you imagine a world where the only thing to grow old, to fail and die was the people in it? It has been suggested that such an existence would have driven mankind irredeemably mad. Imagine a world where even mosquitoes don't die - and you can't kill them. The family dog or cat is passed down through the generations because it cannot die. You are stuck with the same shirt forever because it doesn't wear out, it has no curse of corruption attached to it. Even the flowers in your garden are more permanent than you. It could well be maddening!
God knew that since we are but dust, and we will grow old and die and decay, so must the world around us. Sometimes it decays too quickly for our taste, but that, then, is part of the curse upon our sin. And the whole of creation is waiting eagerly for that day when the curse is lifted, and it is no longer subject to the futility old age and death, but freed from corruption and decay, it can live out the glories God created it to show forth. When I visited Maui, I got a sense of what the difference might be like. I walked through a forest where plants we call ‘house plants' and keep in six-inch pots were growing up the trunks of trees fifty and sixty feet tall, with leaves the size of meat platters! Creation groans under its burdens due to our sins - and yet it longs not just for its freedom, but for bearing witness to the revealing of who the true sons of God among us are!
Our sin is bigger than we tend to think - because we don't consider our gossip, and rudeness, and indifference towards the troubles of others, to be all that bad. We even like some of it. But these things are sin, and our sin is of such cosmic significance that God has condemned us to die for it, and has shackled nature with pain and death and decay on our behalf because of it. Every sin, every hatred, every lust is much more serious than we like to imagine. Each one alone makes us worthy of death and hell, and we spend our lives in sin, even as Christians, and pretend that it is no big deal. Well, it's bigger than you think!
The price paid for our salvation was a cosmic price. It wasn't just the life of one man, however significant He was. The price was Life itself dying for us. He suffered both in time and in eternity for you. He did not bear simply the torments of the passion and the cross - as grisly as we know them to be because we saw the movie - He bore the wrath of God, and He who is God from eternity was forsaken by God, as incomprehensible as that is for us. He endured the torments of hell of us.
And by His death in your place, your sins have been atoned for and you have been redeemed. By His resurrection from the grave, you have been absolved, and your sins are forgiven! You now stand before God as righteous and holy in Jesus Christ, and as beloved as Jesus was and is in the eyes of His heavenly Father. Heaven is open to you, and to everyone who believes this grace of God. You don't have to measure up. You don't have to earn your way. Jesus has done it all for you and pours in out on you in abundance.
You are now the focus of the world. The world belongs to you, as God tells us in His Word, "All things belong to you." All of creation is standing on tippy-toes to see you revealed and to see you honored, and to be set free from its bondage to pain and corruption by your final resurrection to everlasting life and glory.
You can feel it yourself. The Holy Spirit in you works that longing for heaven and perfection and full and eternal life. We see a bit of the goodness of it in the fruits of the Spirit in one another. We get a hint of how wonderful life with Christ will be by how wonderful life together as the people of God here at Immanuel Lutheran Church of Bartlett Township is.
The pains of life and the troubles of growing old remind us all that we look forward to the resurrection. That resurrection is the real beginning for us of the good which cannot end. There will be no more sorrow. When life is good we can forget sorrow for a moment - but this will be a forgetting about sorrow forever. There will be no more sickness. No colds. No fevers. No Covid. There will be no more pain - arthritis and the slipped disks will be gone. The glasses will be a thing gone by, and hearing aids unnecessary. Cuts and scrapes and rashes and headaches will be banished. And there will be no more dying. The good will simply get better, and we will never have to worry about the end of vacation and returning to the pain and monotony and the grind of sin. It's bigger than you can imagine!
The final step in completing the whole of our salvation is the resurrection of our body. The child of God groans and yearns for it. And it is our task here to encourage one another so that we do not lose hope as we wait for the fulfillment of our hope and faith. It is also our privilege to share this wonderful good news with those who don't seem to know and surely cannot imagine even the wee bit we know of it! One of the reasons that we don't do either more and better may be that we forget to look at the thing, and consider our salvation for what it really is. It is genuinely delightful and glorious beyond our imaginings, and more important and more valuable than anything we know. It is so good that even our agonies here are not worthy to be compared to it. It's that good. And it's that big! It is God's gift to us and to all who take Him at His Word and trust Him to do all that He has promised to do, through Jesus Christ. Trust me, it's bigger than you think!
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
(Let the people say Amen)